This is Our Story
Redemption Church is a family of Baptist believers that have been redeemed by the grace of God. In 2014, God began to place a burden on Bro.Wesley and his pastor Bryan Atwood's heart to plant a church. After prayerful consideration, it was clear that God was calling Bro. Wesley to church plant. The only question that remained was where the church would be located.
Diamondhead was not initially at the top of the list for the church plant, but then the Baptist church that was in the city closed it's doors. This meant that there was no Baptist church inside the city. This immediately became the place of focus for the church plant. We would be able to plant a church where there was no Baptist church.
In January 2015, Bro. Wesley entered the mission field as a church planter with the help of the BMA of Mississippi and Campground Baptist Church as the mother church. He was able to find a building in town to lease very soon after he started. God opened the door for an old daycare to be remodeled and turned into a place of worship. In March 2015, Redemption Church held its first worship service in the leased building. Our plant team consisted of Bro. Wesley's family and three other families who committed to helping start the mission. We continued to meet in that building and reach the surrounding community through various ministries until the purchase of our building.
In December 2018, Redemption was able to purchase a building that we have remodeled and now use as a permanent location for our services. The Launch Service at this new location is scheduled for March 8, 2020. Our story is not finished. Even four years later, it is only beginning.